This is my 3rd German Birthday- 3 years since we moved here. We were originally only suppose to be here for 3 year and so I should be surrounded with boxes and movers right about now, but instead we were able to extend our time here. The Army has us down on their paperwork for staying in Mannheim for another year- but only God knows if that time will actually become shorter or longer.
*Sigh* So in these 3 years:
We have traveled to over 20 new countries, made many new friends, had 4 visitors from the States, grown in our marriage (almost 5 years!), made the decision to make the Army a career, and started a blog to tell my public about it all. (hehe...yeah, like I have "public" just dying for juicy tidbits of my life to be revealed in my next post.)
I wonder where we will be heading a year from now...
Also, since today is Mom's day I wanted to give a shout out to all my moms. From my mom, PJ, to Rob's moms, to those nurturing "aunts" we all have in our lives who step in and mothered me when I needed it. I love you all!
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