Yes, you read that right. Rob's trip. Not Rob & Bri's Trip. (Do I sound a little pouty?- probably, but I wish I could have gone, too.) Rob had a mission to Isreal with work over the last few weeks. (Though he admits they probably only worked maybe 3 days while he was there.) Most of the time they were able to sight-see and chill on the beach (while it was snowing here in Mannheim for Easter).
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Rob's Easter Trip to Isreal
Posted by Rob & Bri at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What's that, you ask? It's a blog game. Jill tagged are the rules:You have to tag 5 people and you can't tag the person that tagged you. You leave them a comment on their blog letting them know you are tagging them and why. Also, direct them to your blog for instructions. It is also asked that you notify the tagger when you post your list so that they can enjoy reading the responses.
Here are 10 things about me:
1. I think Chocolate & Peanut Butter is the best marriage there is in the food world.
2. Most of you know I do the sign language thing for work- but did you know I actually majored in Spanish? (¿ QuĂ© fuerte, no?)
3. I have a daisy on my toe (and a whole silly song that goes with it.)
4. I had to relearn how to ride a bike. (So the saying isn't really true.) I had a really bad accident when I was 6 and refused to ride for 4 years- then I had to learn again at age 10.
5. I love Winnie-the-Pooh stuff. (Classic Pooh is best of course.)
6. I went 10 months without driving even once while in college.
7. Numbers have personalities and gender to me. 8 is a bully. 7 & 5 are sweethearts. (I actually saw this talked about on Oprah so I'm not the only one!)
8. Yes, I do NOT like the number 8 very much. My favorite number is 23- same as my B-day.
9. All through elementary school I practiced to be a professional jump rope instructor. (They do have these- they entertain and compete all over like gymnastics.)
10. I know what that tiny gap of air between the bottom of the cap and the top of the liquid of a bottle of water is called- the ullage. (Someday this will help me win in final Jeopardy!)
Ok, I tag:
Destiny, because she seems to love these kind of things, and I love her.
Tawney, because I enjoy her blog.
Sarah, because she's such a sweetie.
Kaila, because her 10 things will be fun to read.
Becca, because she needs a new blog post.
Posted by Rob & Bri at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Oh Boy!
Talked to my best friend Kristen who is expecting in July and she is having a boy- so I guess my therory about it being the year of girls has a glitch.
But God has given her peace about this. She thought she wanted a girl but she said when she heard it would be another boy she was surprised that she wasn't even a little bit blue about it. And God even had the timing down. (Well, silly me- of course He does!) This second son will be born almost exactly 2 years after his big brother, Matthew. Not only will all the baby clothes match for summer/ winter and size but since they don't have any cousins yet- the brothers will hopefully find a friend in eachother growing up together.
Oh, I can't wait to go back to Washington this summer for a visit and to see Kristen and cuddle her 2 year old and this brand new baby-to-be!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
It May Not be an Alligator Purse...
Posted by Rob & Bri at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Lake Monster?
On Saturday I talked to my mom who was talking about finally having a view of a lake again (they are building a house on Angle Lake near SeaTac Airport). She had mentioned that the other day it was all smooth and still like a mirror but that that day there were a few ripples.
Posted by Rob & Bri at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Another Point for Team Girl!
I was sent a pic of my friend's baby girl born in January- so that makes 2 girls for '08.
And for those that are wondering about last year- it was about equal boys and girls as far as the babies of my friends.
Posted by Rob & Bri at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Year of the Girl?
Posted by Rob & Bri at 2:55 PM 0 comments