The Army has briefings all the time and I have overlooked telling you all the latest Army news for us since it happened at the end of Jan. and this blog was started at the beginning of February. Let me catch you up...
Rob has been in for 8 1/2 years. We just reenlisted for 6 more years of Army fun.-- That will put us until January 2014. (We also recieved a nice bonus for doing so.) As much as we wanted to get home, Ft. Lewis was not an option for us so we decided to extend to stay here in Germany an extra year (until May 2010). -- So, we would love for our friends and family to feel free to come and visit us!
We decided to stay here since Rob is not getting deployed (why move to another unit that might be?), we are able to travel through more of Europe, we love our chapel community, work, and being able to finish school. Rob wants to go to flight school to be a helicopter pilot. So depending on when we turn in our Warrent Officer packet (and if they accept us of course) we migh
t leave a little early to head off to Ft. Rucker Alabama for a 1 & 1/2 of flight school. After that we simply have to wait and see where we might go. It is exciting to know that we really have committed ourselves to be career military. After much discussion, thought and prayer we feel that this was where God was directing our path. *Whoo* We made it around that bend in the road-- only to realize there are many more ahead that we have to wait and trust to get around.
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