Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Posted by Rob & Bri at 10:52 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thanksgiving in Portugal
For Thanksgiving this year we went to Portugal. We flew into Porto, picked up a rental car and drove to Cascais (about 3 hours south). It was about 40 miles out that we realized that our rental car had an ant infestation. I spent the next 3 days smacking the dashboard and shaking out my coat and bag. Luckily, this was the only down side to our trip. The rest of it was wonderful- including the sunny weather. Enjoy some of the pics (in random order) of our trip:
Posted by Rob & Bri at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Some more G & G
A while ago we had our friend, Mike's, adorable twin seven year old girls stay with us for a week while he had a conference for work. Well, he had another conference and we were blessed with Grace & Glory for another week. We had nail painting sessions, cookie making, we decorated Thanksgiving bags of food to be given to the chapel's food bank, watched movies, heard bedtime stories and had lots of other fun after school and homework. Here are some pics of our fun week:
Posted by Rob & Bri at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
3 1/2 Years
Today marks 3 and 1/2 years since Rob and I first arrived in Germany and started calling this place home. Originally that was only suppose to be 3 years but we were able to add on one more. This means that we only have 6 months until we move!
Where to, you might ask?
Now before I tell you- let me assure the family that, yes, we did try to get Ft. Lewis and be closer to all of you- It was not an option at this time.
We basically had a choice between 1. Fairbanks, Alaska 2. Ft. Hood, Texas and 3. Savannah, Georgia. I don't do cold and Ft. Hood* is in the middle of no where without an ocean- so we picked Savannah.
Now some of you smarties might remember a post a while back going on and on about our Army plans and Rob trying to go to Warrant Officer school and flight school to not just be able to fix, but also fly, helicopters. That is still the plan. Savannah is simply the back-up plan in case we don't get accepted to the flight school at Ft. Rucker, Alabama. (Naturally, we'll keep you posted.) Rob has completed Part I of II for his flight physical. Part II is next week and then he'll be able to send that off, and then the rest of the application packet by the end of the year. Then Ft. Rucker has from January on through the spring to get back to us and tell us *hopefully* that we won't get to go to Savannah because they want Rob in their program!
So anyhoo- it is hard to think back on all that has happened and all that we have been able to do in these 40 months that we've lived over here. In that time we have been to many places, including the following countries:
Germany (duh!)
Poland (need that pottery, but also on a couple of Christian service trips and to Auschwitz, the WWII concentration camp )
France (for some shopping- Plans for Valentine's Day to show Rob the city)
Belgium ( love Brugge and the chocolate)
The Netherlands (Amsterdam and Haarlem mostly)
Denmark (Start of our Baltic Sea cruise)
Estonia (Favorite stop on the cruise!)
Israel (only Rob got to go for 3 weeks for work)
San Marino
Vatican City
Romania (Rob for 3 1/2 months, Bri for 3 days)
North Ireland
England (just for a day this time to see a play) ... That makes 25.
and then we already had Spain last time Rob was in Germany and this Thanksgiving we are heading to....
Whew... what a list. Can't wait to see where else this Army life will allow us to go. =)
Posted by Rob & Bri at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
PWOC Worship & Study
This last week I went with some other ladies from the chapel to our annual PWOC worship and study retreat up in Willingen (3 hours north of here). Women from all over Europe came together for fellowship and to praise our God (woot, woot!). One of the ladies from the Belgium area brought everyone custom made candies: I had the blessing of being able to go up a day early to help set up things and work in the Helps Office. Later in the week I was working in the office to help with updates once word of the Ft. Hood shootings came out. It was an emotional week and a great time to see many friends who I might not see for quite a while since this looks like my last European Worship & Study Conference. (We'll be moving before too long- but that's for another post.) I look forward to joining the local PWOC when we do move and attending that region's conference next year.
Most of the pictures from my week are on my friend, Tiffany's, camera, but I do have a couple. Here is yet another pic of my wild socks and crocs with this year's PWOC theme banner.
Posted by Rob & Bri at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Knock, Knock
So, Rob's been in Romania right. And he is due home Thursday, right? (So glad we are all caught up and on the same page now.)
Well, Monday I was baking some bite-size pumpkin pies when Angie- my wonderful, neighbor downstairs- came knocking and asked to have 1/2 cup of rice at about 5 o'clock. Well, there was another knock on the door a little over an hour later. I called out for Angie to come in (the door was still unlocked). She didn't open it so I went over singing "Angiiiieee!" Only I opened the door and instead of an 8 month pregnant neighbor there was this 6 ft+ guy all decked out in Army gear with a big grin on his face.
"You're not Angie!!" I say, stating the obvious.
"You're right, I'm not." Answers my husband who had to come back 3 days early to fix some computers back here in Mannheim. (The rest of the guys are still coming back tomorrow!)
He came in, we kissed... and well that's all you all will be getting to read of THAT evening.
Just thought I would post a little post on the blog letting the blog watching world know that Rob is back home. =)
Posted by Rob & Bri at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
My summer
I know! I haven't written since Rob and my's 5th anniversary at the end of July and you are all dying to know what I've been up to since then... right?
Well, my summer in Seattle was awesome! (Remember Rob is working for a few months in Romania, hence me opting to head to Washington for a 2 month visit while he is away.)
Here are some pics and in-a-nut-shell type highlights of what I did...
I went to the Oregon Coast for my 5th anniversary (sadly, without Rob):
I went with my friend Staci (whom I met in Mannheim but is now living in WA again) and her 4 little kids to her sister's wedding in Montana. (What a road trip!):
I went camping in Newport on the Washington coast with my in-laws. We also headed down to the Oregon Coast in search of more smashed penny machines:
And, of course, getting to go to Oregon twice during my stay means 2 trips to the best breakfast place ever....
I also went to see my Aunt Dodie and cousin Sheldon in Sequim, which just happens to be on the Washington Penninsula-- near where Forks, the setting of the Twilight Series takes place:
Posted by Rob & Bri at 12:12 PM 0 comments